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HomeEducationTime value of students

Time value of students

Today’s students are guided by different factors like their  colleges, friends, teachers, communicating media, reference books, knowledge-base, etc. all these factors are more and more important to direct the students in right direction for achieving their desired goal. But ‘Time’ is the most precious factor which is to be utilized in the most appropriate and optimum way. In fact, this is  the key factor of ‘Human Life’ and specifically for ‘Student Life’. The success of student life is totally depends on his right consideration and respect of his time.

The utility of all other factors depends on the proper utilization of time. How much time the student is involving for colleges or friends and  teachers or social-media management or reading text-books and gaining knowledge, that is of prime concern. The students should schedule their 24-hours activity over the above factors which should be on the basis of priority.

In human life, the time period of student life is the  most effective period as this period is consisting of few years.  So, within these few years he or she has to create or build-up his or her career which is totally depending on right decision-making about the desired career option. The career options are so many in today’s business perspective considering the latest technology and the global business scenario.

For any student, the career option depends on his or her likings and disliking regarding and subject. Now-a-days, the business arena has become global and there are latest technologies and the emerging taste of the global citizens which is driving the business scenario of the whole world. For fulfilling the demand of global citizens, there are so many new emerging technologies are being utilized and new career options are being introduced which have great potential are being introduced which have great potential for the successful operation of the global business.

After completing the  school education i.e. Class-X, the students have to find out their desired subject for which they can learn or get included in their college level education. At this stage, the right decision is very much essential regarding proper selection of subjects, because that subject will be the driving subject which will drive his or her career to the right direction.

Now, in the school level education, the students should get acquainted with any two or three subjects and get proper knowledge of those  subjects.  On that basis, any students get confidence over those subjects. And when the students pursue the  college education, the students get admission in those subjects which have more potential to build-up their career. So, during school education, the students should give more time to study more to the subjects of their choice.

Moreover,  during the intermediate level of education, the students can have a glimpse of emerging subjects or technologies  which is based on the creativity or the driving technologies which can unite the world. In this respect, creative design is having a great potential in today’s global market. So, the students having creativity in their mind, can opt for creative design as their preferred career option. There are unlimited potential in this career as the students can excel their career upto the top level of business. This designing may be involved in automobile sector, garment industry, leather design or machine design or it may be furniture design, building design, etc. Today, as the taste of the citizens has become global, so there are greatest potential for creative design of the students who can match their creativity by involving their design as per international standard. So, the students having inquisitive drawing skills they should polish this skill to the level of design. In India, there are premiere Design Institutes like NIFT, NID, IITs, etc. which inculcate Design exposure of International Level and the Design motivated students can excel their career. But for entry into these institutes, the students have to face tough competition. So, the students, while in school level and  in intermediate level, should nurture their drawing and painting skills and create in-depth ability to tackle these  competitions successfully. Therefore, a lot of time and energy should be exploited while the students are practicing these skills.

Similarly, another emerging technology is becoming vibrant which is related to Ethical Cyber Security. In today’s global business scenario, and more-so due to the internet era, our every sphere of activity is being run and  operated by the 4G and even faster 5G technologies.

Since all the industry, business houses, financial institutions, educational institution. Government Departments, Share Market, etc. are working mostly online, therefore Data Security is very much essential for handling confidential data. In this respect, the Ethical Cyber Security Courses are having great potential and great demand. So, the students having computer addiction, can enroll these Cyber Security Courses to  upgrade their career to a new level.

Besides, there are traditional courses like Engineering, Medial or for  becoming School Teachers, there are B.Ed, M.Ed . or D.El.Ed. But, any course the students should be adopted on the basis of their liking by Heart. Similarly, for becoming College Teachers, the students should pursue their Masters and at the same time they should prepare for NET Exam. And further they should enroll for Ph.D in their desired subject. 

Therefore, the students should go for goal-setting that what will be their desired career-goal, which can make their career successful. So, right decision regarding their course has a greater role for building their future. In any consideration,  the time is the most important constraint which become the turning point for taking the right decision at the right time for any student. If the decision has perfect matching with respect to student’s liking, then there is greater possibility that the student will achieve his desired goal.

Article by :-
Sujit Kumar Mukherjee
MBA, MCA , Phd
Renowned Resource Person and Trainer

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