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HomeEducationGoal-Setting for the Students - Sujit Kr. Mukherjee

Goal-Setting for the Students – Sujit Kr. Mukherjee

The students without any goal in their life are like the radar-less ship which cannot reach its destination. As the radar is the  communication system which in fact, directs the ship to arrive its destination. Similarly, the very first step for any student’s career-setting depends on his goal setting goal-setting is what he or she wants to become in life.

During the school education, the students should have clear idea regarding the subjects of their choice. Besides, at the intermediate level, they should adopt those subjects and should continue in-depth knowledge about the subjects. Now-a-days, there are emerging technologies which is operating our industry and business. Keeping in view the industrial requirements, the ECE Department aims to provide state-of-the-art facilities and knowledge in Electronics and allied areas such as Communication Engineering, ML, IoT and VLSI design.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected physical objects embedded with electronics, sensors and software. These connected objects  nodes exchange data over the internet. There will be 22 billion connected  devices in the world by 2025. IoT technology can be used in sectors like Manufacturing, Agriculture, Healthcare, Transportation Media/Advertising, Retail, water and Waste Management, Power Distribution etc. IoT is used in various applications like smart home, smart parking, smart water level monitoring, smart healthcare, smart traffic lighting, smart waste management, smart solar panels, etc.

The Indian Government started the 100 smart cities mission in 2016, which will get completed in 2024. State Governments have used around Rs.2 lakh crore in smart cities projects and Rs,4.5 lakh crore is in pipeline. There are many IoT Applications like Traffic Management, energy harvesting by using solar panels on buildings and LED street lights, saving water using a smart meter, etc. The key enabling technologies for IoT implementation are data analytics, cloud computing and network security. IoT use increases with 5G network deployment in our country. With IoT solutions will be crucial for home automation, security and several other industrial issues. Thousands of jobs related to IoT are arising everyday. The Government of India is planning 5G deployment in few cities by the end of 2022. 5G network is already deployed in many countries like China, Korea, Japan and America. 

The Data Science skills survey 2022 was undertaken to find out different tools, technologies and skills across categories that are imperative for students and  professionals and  for an advanced career in the Data Science domain. As per the Survey, 9 out of 10 Data Science professionals mentioned that knowledge of programming language (R, Python, SAS) is among the most basic skills to start a career in Data Science. this is  followed by knowledge of Statistics and basic ML. More than 3 in 4 professionals claimed that basic Machine Learning understanding is a must have skill for a career in Data Science and is indicative of how far we have come in the field.

Education is a crucial aspect that will empower individuals to make informed decisions about using various natural resources. Addressing this knowledge gap and generating a sense of responsibility can transform the belief systems and behavioral patterns, encouraging them to live more sustainably. Education can bring the much-needed transformation in everyone which is essential for a sustainable future.

Incorporating sustainable development into education will help instill the values/principles of sustainability in young people, spreading awareness beyond the traditional education institutions educating the next generation about sustainability fosters life-long learning, professional growth and community-based learning.

Education for sustainable development encourages careers to take responsibility for building and enjoying a sustainable future.  Educating learners about sustainability strengthens their abilities to solve rapidly changing, interrelated global concerns. As a result, they will be able to develop solution-oriented skills such as critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and decision-making.

Physiotherapy is a branch of medical science in which prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation is  done by the use of exercise therapy, electro-therapy, hydro-therapy and other modern equipment and techniques like X-Ray, MRI, blood-test, etc. Physiotherapy, especially chest physiotherapy, has helped in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in times of Covid-19. The role of physiotherapist is gaining momentum also due to the fact that now people want drugless therapy, with minimum or no side-effects.

Thus, we can enumerate the idea that for establishing a particular goal in student’s life, first of all he or she should collect about the latest trend of different career options which are operating in the global business scenarios and on the basis of those, he has to select his liking of any particular area and should pursue the course thereof and thus he has to set his goal that after completing the course, he has to prepare to become a professional of his area of concern.

The goal-oriented students, on most of the occasions become successful in their life. As those students, at first, understands that what will be their entry-level assignment and  they, at first, try to grab that assignment by practicing right knowledge. In the later period of their career progression, they successively rise into the career ladder.

It is also the  need of the hour, to keep the  feeling that if any student is unable  to grab the Job of his choice, then he or she has to be mentally prepared for starting a small start-up business which can create  job of few more persons. In this manner, the students can enhance their productivity. Thus, it is also the  part of the goal-setting to emerge a mental zeal to grab the Job and at the same time to set-up a  start-up, which in fact, solve the unemployment problem to a large extent.

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